New Year, New U …nderwear

From the moment I got pregnant, I had no end of experienced moms sharing all kinds of helpful information with me. One of the more intriguing tidbits I heard about repeatedly was that when it came time to give birth, the hospital would provide me with some disposable underwear that would simultaneously be the most hideous and most comfortable thing I’d ever worn in my life!

So quite frankly, I spent nine months curiously anticipating this right of passage into motherhood—the infamous hospital underpants. I’ve got to say that they did not disappoint! In fact, I enjoyed them so much that when Ryan and I were released from the hospital on December 21st with our beautiful baby girl, I stowed a couple extra pairs away in my suitcase and have been wearing them ever since… until today!

It’s New Year’s Day. And this morning I decided that in order to celebrate the new year, I would allow myself to graduate from my disposable hospital underwear into the real deal. And as awesome as those hospital hot pants were, I must say that wearing real underwear again feels great… almost like I’m a real human with a real life that consists in more than feeding, burping, bathing, sleeping, pumping, and diapering or something!

Relax, friends! I’m just poking a little bit of lighthearted fun at my own ridiculous existence for the past 12 days. You see, the truth is that despite the very real challenges of having a newborn in my home for the first time ever—all while navigating a rush of postpartum hormones and a house full of company at Christmastime—I cannot even begin to express my utter delight and gratitude at the reality of my new life!

Avra Valor Guerra was born at 8:00 a.m. on Wednesday, December 20th, 2017. Almost nothing about her delivery went according to my hopes and dreams for my first birthing experience, but I made it through with the help and support of my amazing husband, my excellent doula, and my adoring heavenly Father. And thankfully, the most important aspect of the whole experience went exactly according to plan: the birth of a healthy, happy, beautiful baby girl.


Naturally, 2018 will bring with it a lot of big changes into my life—and yes, these will be much more significant than a simple change in the variety of underpants I’m currently sporting! Some changes are really scary. In fact, a lot of things about motherhood seem really scary to me. But I will not let my fears hold me back. I spent 2017 passionately pursuing freedom from fear, and I have every intention of continuing that quest in the new year—in motherhood, and every other aspect of my life!

I welcome 2018, and everything that comes with it.

Especially life with this little beauty ❤

6 thoughts on “New Year, New U …nderwear

  1. Emmeli Chalupnicek says:

    I wore those disposable underwear for the first full month after my little one was born! Good job for getting into real underwear only after 12 days!! Seems like you are adjusting really well!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Elma says:

    Always ENJOY reading your blogs, Talasi. 🙂
    Congratulations on your wee little pink bundle ENJOY her!!!!!!!!!
    Blessings galore in the year ahead……full of newness…..mamahood!!!!!!!!! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Sara-Lyn says:

    Goodness, she’s a beautiful baby!! Sounds like you’re adjusting beautifully! I don’t think I’ve ever seen a first birth go as planned either, my own certainly didn’t! The advice will just continue too, lol You’ve moved passed the underwear advice, it just keeps getting more interesting… I’ve been overwhelmed by it, angered by it and been eternally grateful for it. You just never know which category it will land in!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Nicolle says:

    Happy New Year and congratulations on the birth of your baby! She such an adorable little one. ❤️
    Having never given birth myself, it’s certainly interesting to read about those hideous yet comfortable hospital underwear. 😛

    (Sorry I’m late with the wishes and reading! I’m still in the process of getting back into reading my favourite blogs. 😅)

    Liked by 1 person

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